Friday, 1 May 2009

Michael Pollen Speaking

Michael Pollen returns to Colorado, to be exact Boulderado.

May 21, 2009, 7:30 PM @ Boulder Unity Church/ Boulder Bookstore, Located at 1107 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302

Michael Pollen is the quintessential botanical author. When an ex-girlfriends mother gave me a copy of "Botany of Desire," I immediately feel in love. Four books later, a letter to the president-elect and numerous lectures around the country his influence is becoming a movement. With the Westword launching a web feature called "Urbavore's Dilemma" a cleaver take on Pollen's Omnivores Dilemma, described by Westword as the movements bible, his impact is unmistakable.

If you want grow your perspective on the current food policies, ear Pollen's interview "When corn is king"

Think GlobalAct Local

Pollan: Nutrition 'Science' Has Hijacked Our Meals -- and Our Health By Terrece McNalley Posted April 3, 2008

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